How to Make Seitan With Gluten Flour

Vegetarian or not,
it's good to know how to make seitan at home...if you’re not gluten-intolerant. If you are, please stay away from seitan. Even given its great taste, high protein content, and versatility, you won’t find it worth the pain. But if gluten causes no problems for you, get ready to meet a terrific source of vegetarian protein.

You can add it to dishes in virtually every cuisine, from Italian to Vietnamese and points in between. You can make sandwiches and wraps with it—and even dehydrate it for snacks.

In short, when you know how to make seitan, your protein options expand hugely. And, thanks to **gluten flour, here’s a fairly simple recipe that can get you going...

Seitan Roast

When prepared in this way, your seitan will work as a roast or can be cut into chunks or thin strips. It can also be cubed and then ground for pizza, pasta sauces, chili, etc. You can also dehydrate it for road food, which can be handier than you may realize.



  • 3 cups gluten flour✶✶
  • 6 tablespoons garbanzo-bean flour
  • 6 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ¼ cup or so olive or grapeseed oil
  • ½ smallish onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons tamari
  • 2 tablespoons chili sauce (red or green)
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste, if you have it; ketchup, if you don’t
  • 2 cups warm water

Baking Sauce

  • 1 teaspoon tamari
  • 1 teaspoon mild chili sauce (red or green)
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste, if you have it; ketchup, if you don’t
  • 1 cup vegetable broth or faux beef/chicken broth


  1. Place the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. (A whisk works well here.)
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  3. Add the oil to a skillet and heat. Add the onions and cook slowly until translucent. Then scrape them into a blender and add the liquid ingredients, except for those for the baking sauce. Pulse just enough to mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour the blended liquids slowly into the bowl of mixed dry ingredients, stirring as you pour. If needed, add a little water or broth—but not so much that the gluten loses its firmness.
  5. Knead for a minute or two, and then shape into an oblong loaf. Place it into a lightly oiled pot or roasting pan.
  6. Mix the baking sauce and pour over the gluten.
  7. Cover and bake for an hour; then, reduce heat to 325 degreesand bake another 30 minutes. At that point the loaf will have absorbed most of the liquid. [If it seems to be drying out too quickly during baking, pour a little more stock over the loaf.]
  8. After 90 minutes, lift the seitan out and let cool for 10 minutes or so. It is now ready to serve or store.

And now you know how to make seitan, you fox.

✶✶For this recipe, I generally use Bob's Red Mill Gluten Flour, which can often be found in grocery stores. If yours does not (or will not) stock it or another decent brand and you live in Canada or the USA, you can buy it from Amazon. And how’s that for a lucky break?


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Please understand that the material at this site is NOT medical advice, as I am neither doctor nor nutritionist. What I am is merely someone who's lived successfully on a vegetarian diet for many decades...and I transitioned from omnivore to vegetarian gradually. Do check with your doctor, though, if you're considering big changes to your own diet. Also, be sure to find a dependable source of Vitamin B12.

Living Vegetarian the Easy Way
  Copyright 2010-2024. Lynda Edwards. All rights reserved.